Wednesday 8 November 2017


5-5 Tie encounter: 5 lecturers-5 spectators

Summarizing yesterday meeting about resources for visual artists in the province:

They were present: Jazar organizers (Peio & Mónica), Oskia Ugarte (Centro de Arte Huarte), Javier Gómez (Tudela culture city councillor) and Yolanda Pascual Ruiz de la Hermosa (Calle Mayor 54).
Jazar is a 4 floor building in Pamplona with capacity for 80 artists. Studios are for rent, they have facilities for band rehearsal, pottery, 3D printer, printmaking, photo lab, textile, performing arts... It is based in the idea of sharing, bringing projects in common, art in community.
Centro de Arte Huarte supports artists offering several opportunities (check website for further information). They expressed their will of becoming a production center instead of an exhibition center. Which, personally, I think it is a pity, because it is a great building with beautiful spaces.
Tudela culture city councillor, Javier Gómez, told us about "Des Adarve": young artists ephemeral festival in emblematic buildings in Tudela. There is some budget for production. In Tudela, there is also a residence for dance (contemporary & folk), and in Olite, another one for classic theater.
I was lucky to hear all of us cover different things. If Jazar is for artists who want to share and work in common projects, Calle Mayor 54 is headed for individualist artists looking for some isolation, nature or/and peaceful studio. Also, it seems Calle Mayor 54 is the one with more international overture, but with less facilities than Centro de Arte Huarte or Jazar. Regarding the residencies: in Jazar, there are studios, but, not living spaces; in Centro de Arte Huarte, they only have working space but they offer some cash to rent a room in Pamplona; and, in Calle Mayor 54, studios and living space mix together. So, it is not the most suitable place for artists who really need "to get the hands dirty" with their work.
So, some ideas exposed there, my personal summary:
-There is a lack of interest in the arts in Navarra. Local people has other preferences for their leisure time. This can be a consequence of the poor art education in the schools, not only in Navarra, but in Spain; the lack of superior art studies in the province and the mobility of the artists to other cities more cultural attractive.
-There is too much art offer in the province in relation with the demand. Workshops, art events, residencies, art spaces... frequently don't get enough participants or are cancelled.
-Big art spaces are not suitable for this province, as they have a high maintenance cost and not enough public. Art proposals should have a smaller format to be able to offer a bigger choice.

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